Has Someone Intended Upon You?
January 17, 2025
Has Someone Intended Upon You?
January 17, 2025How to End Inflammatory COVID
COVID is an ongoing condition that continues to affect our global population.
Many believe they dodged the COVID bullet because they did not have the symptoms that others encountered.
Those who had symptoms during the government defined COVIDic pandemic have struggled to believe they in fact did encounter COVID.
When COVID made its debut in the United States, the trauma we experienced and the surreal devastating escalation and longevity of this event caused many people to be in a cognitive, conscious, mental, emotional, and physical state of denial.
Those who made intentions that they were “whole,” unaffected, 100% healed, cleared, and in no way held any effect of COVID within their body experienced levels of healing that their brain, their CREATOR-GIFTED etheric template genius, and their CREATOR-GIFTED soul and spirit were able to effect.
When a person who experienced long-COVID made these intentions, they experienced less healing than the former group.
COVID affected people in many different ways, though what it brought in common to each is its intelligence. COVID-intelligence inherited the intelligence of the global entity that brought it to the real physical world.
One of the most devastating intelligences that COVID inherited is the capacity to know exactly who has made intentions upon you, to locate the entity-marks, entity-symbols, entity-signs, broken “things,” including broken hash-marks, broken-numbers, and broken words, phrases, letters, acronyms, and more.
COVID Targets Those Who Have Incurred the Intentions of Others
When a person makes an intention upon another, the resonance of the contextual intelligence of the intention ⎯ which includes the resonant “marks” listed above ⎯ manifests instantly with the victim, the intending person, and with their expanded expanded-family members, and in many cases with their expanded expanded family systems.
COVID embedded diseases of resonance into every “entity-mark” the moment a person encountered any aspect of COVID.
Those with significant entity-marks, particularly those with resonant evil marks, contextual intention conditions within their Energy Body, Physical Body, within and outside of their home, autos, office, visited and visiting spaces, the real estate they owned, visited, or lived in, and that of every other person whom they visited.
A single intention has the power to end a life instantly, though no one is aware when a person’s death originated from that one intention. We will be publishing articles that explain how this occurs.
Currently, those who have encountered COVID numerous times ⎯ and THE DIVINE says we all have ⎯ have been exposed to specific variations of viral inflammatory conditions.
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COVID Residual Inflammatory Conditions
These viral inflammatory conditions may affect a person’s lungs, brain, esophageal system, cardiological system, liver, spleen, gallbladder, adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder, stomach intestines, bowels, anal and rectal systems, duodenum, and neurological system.
THE DIVINE has asked that we publish this information so that you have access to very specific nootropic supplements, and other nervous system remedies that will support your entire body in reducing, resolving, and ending the inflammatory conditions that will cause neurological deficits, neuropathy, kidney, digestive, brain, tissue, vascular, cellular, and other types of diseases and illnesses.
For those who have experienced significant targeting (projections of others intentions upon you), you are at the greatest risk.
What one person perseverates about you matters. Entities of resonance to the entire contextual or to the most resonant evil aspect of any thought, wish, hope, idea, ideation, inspiration, projection of any aspect of their mind-generated activities manifests the level of entities that are equal to or higher than the resonance of the mind-generated activity.
Please understand that this article is not intended to cause fear, nor compel you to purchase these products.
It is intended to inform, to help you understand why you may have residual, ongoing, intermittent, or worsening inflammatory conditions in places that you can observe, on the interior of your body, and within the interior of your organs.
This condition is becoming more prevalent.
Flu A, Flu B, RSV, Pneumonia, and prolonged symptoms after any illness, flu, or symptomatic condition are resulting in long-term Energy Body and Physical Body entity ”marks.”
The list of supplements provided at the end of this article may provide the Energy Body and Physical Body “marks.” They may also provide you with the healing that is required in every part of your Physical Body.
We will continue providing information on how to treat, resolve, and eternally DIVINELY RESTITUTE conditions related to any disease, illness, or symptomatic conditions.
Improve Inflammatory Conditions Related to COVID, Flu A, Flu B, Pneumonia, Respiratory Conditions & RSV
The potential benefits of the supplements listed in the last section of this HOW TO END INFLAMMATORY COVID, keeping in mind that this is not medical advice, and your decision to read this article is your agreement to consult with your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
The collection of supplements outlined in this document offer a range of support for various health needs with a primary focus on boosting the immune system.
- Gaia Herbs Oil of Oregano
- Herb Pharm Organic Rapid Immune Boost
- Zazzee Extra Strength 1,3/1,6 Beta Glucans
- Himalaya ImmunoCare
- Himalaya Organic Amla/Amalaki f
The following supplements provide a focus on improving, healing, and supporting joint and muscle health:
- Zazzee Extra Strength Boswellia Serrata
- ORGANIC INDIA Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper
- Qunol Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper
- Himalaya Turmeric 95, and Himalaya Boswellia
The following Herb Pharm Tinctures, Zazzee, and Himalaya’s supplements provide support for liver health, pain relief, relaxation, detoxification, and stress relief:
- Liver Health Tincture
- Certified Organic Calendula Tincture
- Certified Organic Valerian Root Tincture
- Certified Organic Dandelion Tincture
- Zazzee’s Extra Strength Citrus Bergamot Supplement
- Zazzee’s USDA Organic Beet Root Supplement
- Zazzee’s USDA Organic Milk Thistle Supplement
- Zazzee’s Organic Lemon Balm Supplement
- Himalaya’s StressCare Supplement
The inclusion of key ingredients like turmeric and curcumin, paired with black pepper enhance absorption.
The Full List of Supplements
We provided below the full list of supplements that THE DIVINE provided to us for those who believe they have COVID related inflammatory conditions.
Immune Support:
- Gaia Herbs Oil of Oregano: May support immune and antioxidant function.
- Herb Pharm Organic Rapid Immune Boost: A fast-absorbing tincture containing Echinacea, Goldenseal, Ginger, and Elderberry for immune support and wellness.
- Zazzee Extra Strength 1,3/1,6 Beta Glucans: Supports a healthy immune system.
- Himalaya ImmunoCare: Supports active immune support and cellular defense.
- Himalaya Organic Amla/Amalaki: Also for active immune support and cellular defense.
Joint and Muscle Support:
- Zazzee Extra Strength Boswellia Serrata: Supports joint health.
- ORGANIC INDIA Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper: Supports joint health and the immune system.
- Qunol Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper: Supports joint health with enhanced absorption.
- Himalaya Turmeric 95: Supports joint and muscle health, as well as flexibility and mobility.
- Himalaya Boswellia: Provides joint support for mobility and flexibility and promotes tissue preservation.
Other Health and Wellness Benefits:
- Herb Pharm Liver Health: Supports liver and gallbladder health.
- Herb Pharm Certified Organic Calendula: Supports minor pain relief.
- Herb Pharm Certified Organic Valerian Root: Supports relaxation and restful sleep.
- Herb Pharm Certified Organic Dandelion: Supports cleansing and detoxification.
- Zazzee Extra Strength Citrus Bergamot: Contains polyphenolic flavanones.
- Zazzee USDA Organic Beet Root: Supports nitric oxide production.
- Zazzee USDA Organic Milk Thistle: Supports liver health with silymarin flavonoids.
- Zazzee Organic Lemon Balm: Supports relaxation and overall well-being.
- Himalaya StressCare: Supports stress relief, energy, relaxation, and occasional sleeplessness.
You can find all of these products on Amazon.
Using Amazon’s Subscribe and Save Program provides a significant cost savings and makes it easy to receive these in the frequency that THE DIVINE guides you.
Our families use these for the purposes of resolving joint discomfort, inflammatory conditions that were exacerbated by COVID, the intentions of others in combination with the residual covidic conditions that are extremely challenging to resolve within the affected fascia, cells, muscles, ligaments, tendons, hair follicles, and ocular system.
COVID is an entity-based disease that requires long-term and multiple approaches to a 100% forever healing.
How to Receive Eternal DIVINE Resolution, Healing, Clearing, & Restitution
Energy Healing Arts LLC offers DIVINE RESONANCE PROGRAMS that help you know exactly what personal approaches you must use to resolve the effects of COVID, RSV, PNEUMONIA, other respiratory residual conditions, as well as daily hygiene, daily nutrition, daily movement, and daily sleep regimens.
If you have not returned to your preCOVID levels of:
- Health
- Agility
- Levels of Energy
- Stamina
- REM Sleep
- Mental Acuity
- Cognitive and Cognizant Sharpness
- Ocular and Vision Acuity
- Enjoyment Connected to Social and Family Engagement
- Love, Intimacy, and Connection
- Anticipation of Fun, Exciting Activities, Travel, or Long-Term Future Opportunities
Please schedule your Complimentary DIVINE REVELATION below to learn whether you and THE CREATOR intended you begin healing at this exact time in your life.
Prior to scheduling a complimentary DIVINE REVELATION please read our "5" brief FAQs before scheduling your DIVINE REVELATION request.
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