How To Resolve Intentions, Curses, Spells, Charms, Hexes, Vexes, Hoodoo, Voodoo
January 29, 2024
June 5, 2024
How To Resolve Intentions, Curses, Spells, Charms, Hexes, Vexes, Hoodoo, Voodoo
January 29, 2024
June 5, 2024What Are Intentions?
This article is the first in a long series of articles on the “Intentions.”
Even a seemingly benign intention upon another can have devastating effects upon the “targeted” person.
Whether intended or not, the conditions and the vibrational frequency marks begin immediately appearing within their home, with those who live or are residents of their household, and in most cases, it spreads instantly and virally in the same way to their expanded expanded-family.
If the intention vibrates on the frequencies of hate and or evil – most intentions do – the original intention and any subsequently resonant intentions will immediately begin spreading throughout the targeted person’s ancestral lineages, their broad family lines, then throughout their ancestral lineages and broad family lines, and to those with whom you are or have been partnered and to those to whom you have married, and into each of their family lineages and every person’s broad family lines.
Depending on the nature of the intention, these can span into the future in this way for many more generations.

Have You Encountered Harmful Intentions?
If you suspect that you may have unwell intentions upon you, your home, or your life, please use the button below to request your COMPLIMENTARY DIVINE REVELATION.
We will ask THE DIVINE on your behalf if you have any unwell intentions upon you, your life, or your home and provide you with exactly what THE DIVINE provides us.
We are unable to answer additional questions as part of this COMPLIMENTARY DIVINE REVELATION SESSION.
How Does An Intention Become Harmful?
An intention begins with either a formal or informal thought.
When thought resonates with the vibrational frequency of hate, evil, greed, fear, death, disease, illness, injury, financial loss, loss of any level of achievement, or could result in any level of suffering, trauma, near death, or when the intention immediately resonates, or has the potential to resonate with any entity, a formal intention has been formed.

Formal Intentions
A formal intention can occur on accident if the thought vibrates on the frequencies of hate or evil. A formal intention can also be formed by performing certain activities during or throughout the process of “deciding” how a person will be affected by your intention. When a formal intention is formed accidentally and it doesn’t vibrate on the frequencies of hate or evil, THE DIVINE often resolves all aspects, essences, thought, and resonance of the thought when it has the potential to become a formal intention.
Entities of hate will respond immediately to a borderline “Hate-Resonant” thought. When they do, they intend to inspire, coax, annoy, frustrate, and induce the person to continue to think about the event, situation, place, animal, or person (or anything) that has the potential to become a “Hate-Resonant” thought. A formal intention is one that will continue to be fulfilled by resonant entities until it is officially eternally resolved.
What Happens When
An Intention is Formed?”
When an intention is created, the energetic frequency or vibration of that intention will inherit the resonant-equivalency of the thoughts, intentions, ideations, inspirations, wishes, hope, visions, or purposefully intended dream states that inspired it.
Any resonant intention can become a lethal intention when the targeted person has been the victim of childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse, abandonment, co-dependency; including when the victim is a minor with the role of caretaker of a parent or authority figure; or the owner or employee of a facility that has caretaker responsibilities, and when any of these roles are conditionally intended upon by others.
Resonant-Hate and Resonant-Evil entities manifest the moment you entertain mind-generated or doing a physical activity that resonates with hate or evil, this includes your:
- Thoughts
- Hopes
- Wishes
- Dreams
- Inspirations
- Ideations
- Visions
- Intentions
- Activities or Actions
- Purposes
- Behaviors
- Word Usages
- Effecting any practice, protocol, or intention-based thought in the physical or non-physical world
How Does an Intention Harm a Person?
When the intender's visions, thoughts, hopes, wishes, dreams, visions, inspirations, perseverations, or ideations resonate on the vibrational frequencies of hate and or evil, each are immediately fulfilled by resonant level-hate-level and or level-evil entities.
In the best scenario, the targeted persons are immediately harmed by level-hate entities, which (at the least) bring disease, illness, accidents, and conditions that ultimately results in others making level-hate, level evil, level death, and other "level" intentions upon the person(s) being intended upon.
Initially, when a worst-case scenario occurs, the targeted person(s) are being aggressively harmed by level-evil entities. These begin bringing to each person involved traumatic event conditions that will manifest unless THE DIVINE intervenes. These level-evil entities will bring illness, disease, hate, evil, death, and other equally evil energetic etheric conditions into the lives of each person involved in the targeting.
How To Avoid Creating Harmful Intentions
The first step in not creating harmful intentions is to understand that to intend an affect upon another, or anything, is to change the way that person or “thing” is, desires to be, or is DIVINELY INTENDED to be.
When we make an intention upon “any” we are imposing our perceptions, our personal ideas, thoughts, or ways of wanting another to be.
This is extremely dangerous and can end a life instantly. We will speak to how this occurs in a future article.
Intending your personal perspectives or ideals upon another, or about another, can cause a person who needs a special diet at a particular time in their life to begin to stop eating the foods they need. In this scenario, the entities fulfilling the thought "that the person is not eating properly" to fail to receive their needed nutrition.
It can cause another to lose their career, or it can cause a person who has lived their lifetime with the intention of being an honest, trustworthy, person of high integrity to lose everything they have.
Intending anything on “any” is the most dangerous act of freedom we have.
Using the power that comes with our independence, our freedoms, and our freedoms of choice can end these freedoms for those you are intending upon.
THE DIVINE has provided a powerful Prayerful Intention that will prevent you from making intentions that harm others.
This Prayerful Intention will not remove your power of intention, however, it will keep you from making intentions that resolve any others’ freedoms, freedom of choice, and capacity to thrive.
Two DIVINE Prayerful Intentions
When you ask THE DIVINE to perfect your thoughts, your prayers, and your intentions, THE DIVINE will perfect, protect, potentiate, hold, and condition your perfected request.
This is the safest and most effective method of making intentions and this will protect you and others throughout your entire lifetime.
Please consider Prayerfully Intending the following DIVINELY provided intention:
Please protect, perfect, potentiate, condition, and hold every thought, every thought-based manifestation I have or create so that each are perfected in the way that honors, never modifies, never harms, never brings any unwelcome conditions, energetic harm, entity, or etheric condition to any.
Please DIVINELY GUIDE me in making intentions that support my personal successes, my personal goals, and my personal perceptions when they are not supporting me.
Please DIVINELY perfect my life so that I am able to remain on the path to my Best Life, Perfected Prime Health, Life Safety, and so that I am able to remain or achieve DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY.
In addition, THE DIVINE has provided this Prayerful Intention for Your Best Life:
Please consider Prayerfully Intending your 100% Best Life, 100% Prime Health, 100% Life Safety, and your 100% Uninterruptible 100% Sovereignty. This prayerful intention begins resolving that which is not in alignment with your 100% Best Life, 100% Prime Health, 100% Life Safety, and your 100% Uninterruptible Sovereignty.
Thank you.
What is Resonant-Hate & Resonant-Evil?
When the vibrational frequency of any of the following is equal to the frequencies of hate or evil, THE DIVINE refers to it as either Resonant-Hate or Resonant-Evil:
- Thought
- Hope
- Wish
- Dream
- Inspiration
- Ideation
- Vision
- Intention
- Activity or Action
- Purpose
- Behavior
- Word Usage
- And any manifestation of a person’s outward or inward expression
When any of these occur are resonant with either hate or evil, those “Level Entities” manifest instantly in the space where the resonance exists.
What Happens When An Intention is Formed?”
When an intention is formed, the energetic frequency or vibration will possess the resonant-equivalency of the thoughts, intentions, ideations, inspirations, wishes, hope, visions, or purposefully intended dream states that inspired it.
How Does an Intention Harm a Person?
When the intender's visions, thoughts, hopes, wishes, dreams, visions, inspirations, perseverations, or ideations resonate on the vibrational frequencies of hate and or evil, each are immediately fulfilled by resonant level-hate-level and or level-evil entities.
In the best scenario, the targeted persons are immediately harmed by level-hate entities, which (at the least) bring disease, illness, accidents, and conditions that ultimately results in others making level-hate, level evil, level death, and other "level" intentions upon the person(s) being intended upon.
Initially, when a worst-case scenario occurs, the targeted person(s) are being aggressively harmed by level-evil entities. These begin bringing to each person involved traumatic event conditions that will manifest unless THE DIVINE intervenes. These level-evil entities will bring illness, disease, hate, evil, death, and other equally evil energetic etheric conditions into the lives of each person involved in the targeting.
How To Avoid Creating Harmful Intentions
The first step in not creating harmful intentions is to understand that to intend an affect upon another, or anything, is to change the way that person or “thing” is, desires to be, or is DIVINELY INTENDED to be.
When we make an intention upon “any” we are imposing our perceptions, our personal ideas, thoughts, or ways of wanting another to be.
This is extremely dangerous and can end a life instantly. We will speak to how this occurs in a future article.
Intending your personal perspectives or ideals upon another, or about another, can cause a person who needs a special diet at a particular time in their life to begin to stop eating the foods they need. In this scenario, the entities fulfilling the thought "that the person is not eating properly" to fail to receive their needed nutrition.
It can cause another to lose their career, or it can cause a person who has lived their lifetime with the intention of being an honest, trustworthy, person of high integrity to lose everything they have.
Intending anything on “any” is the most dangerous act of freedom we have.
Using the power that comes with our independence, our freedoms, and our freedoms of choice can end these freedoms for those you are intending upon.
THE DIVINE has provided a powerful Prayerful Intention that will prevent you from making intentions that harm others.
This Prayerful Intention will not remove your power of intention, however, it will keep you from making intentions that resolve any others’ freedoms, freedom of choice, and capacity to thrive.
Two DIVINE Prayerful Intentions
When you ask THE DIVINE to perfect your thoughts, your prayers, and your intentions, THE DIVINE will perfect, protect, potentiate, hold, and condition your perfected request.
This is the safest and most effective method of making intentions and this will protect you and others throughout your entire lifetime.
Please consider Prayerfully Intending the following DIVINELY provided intention:
Please protect, perfect, potentiate, condition, and hold every thought, every thought-based manifestation I have or create so that each are perfected in the way that honors, never modifies, never harms, never brings any unwelcome conditions, energetic harm, entity, or etheric condition to any.
Please DIVINELY GUIDE me in making intentions that support my personal successes, my personal goals, and my personal perceptions when they are not supporting me.
Please DIVINELY perfect my life so that I am able to remain on the path to my Best Life, Perfected Prime Health, Life Safety, and so that I am able to remain or achieve DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY.
In addition, THE DIVINE has provided this Prayerful Intention for Your Best Life:
Please consider Prayerfully Intending your 100% Best Life, 100% Prime Health, 100% Life Safety, and your 100% Uninterruptible 100% Sovereignty. This prayerful intention begins resolving that which is not in alignment with your 100% Best Life, 100% Prime Health, 100% Life Safety, and your 100% Uninterruptible Sovereignty.
Thank you.