Episode One

In Episode One, we discuss the top 5 reasons why you may have encountered an entity. 

We discuss the type of entities that most people are encountering at this time and provide the 5 most common ways people, pets, places, and our possessions come to be with these specific kinds of entities.

Please take a moment to review the 3 information boxes above this section. Each contain important information that you will want to know prior to beginning this Complimentary workshop.


Episode Two - Part 1

In Part 1 of Episode Two we define the meaning of Entity Resonance and provide examples of why an entity may be resonant to you.

Episode Two - Part 2

In Part 2 of Episode Two we introduce the remaining primary reasons you may be encountering the most common types of entities.

This Episode will introduce the kinds of entities that most people are not aware of. These entities are referred to as "Other-Than" entities. 

These types of entities are the origin of every disease, every illness, every unwell condition a person will encounter in their lifetime.

Episode Three

In Episode Three, Sherí will share the most common reasons entities can come to your home, places, spaces, and possessions. She will also share DIVINE RESOLUTION protocols for clearing most entities from your personal home, places, spaces, and possessions.

As the owner, possessor, renter, or borrower of a home, or office, automobile, land, property, or thing, you have the DIVINE SOVEREIGN right to enjoy the sovereignty of your personal life possessions and property.

Restoring sovereignty to your home, your possessions, to the places you work, visit, or frequent is a DIVINE GIFT that every person has been DIVINELY GIFTED.

Episode Four

In episode Four, we’ll introduce the various types of Entity Fields, how they function, how they bring other kinds of entity conditions, and how their communications can result in symptoms of disease, illness, and conditions that could result in long-term treatments, tests, or medications that could become harmful when the Entity Fields no longer exist.

This Episode provides the  information you'll need to understand the field resolution protocols we share in Episode 5.

Episode Five

In Episode Five, Sherí offers DIVINE RESOLUTION protocols for exiting fields of intention, eternally removing them from your household, your automobile, and the places, spaces, and public areas you visit.

Fields of Intention may be either external or internal to a person's Energy or Physical Body. The DIVINE RESOLUTION protocols Sherí shares have the capacity to eternally DIVINELY RESTITUTE all types of fields, field conditions, and field entities.

Episode Six will provide DIVINE RESOLUTION protocols that end Fields of Disease, Illness, Infectious Conditions, Trauma, Death, Pain, and Death.

Episode Six

This session teaches you how to resolve Fields of Intention. Every field has an intention. Intention is thought, whether it has been formalized as a curse, a spell, a charm, hex, vex, hoodoo, or voodoo, or it becomes bound or encased, enshrouded, or the target is being intended upon by the entity that is fulfilling it.  

When those Fields of Intention possess Resonant Evil entities and the essences of those who have made intentions, ideations, or have created "if this, then that" logic within their intentions, the targeted person can become unwell to the point of death - instantly.

Learn how to end Fields of Intention so that you are able to be released from the intentions, the entities that fulfill them, and any other entities of resonance that bring infections, trauma, breathing illnesses, and imminent or instant death.  


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THE DIVINE knows each person.

Because THE DIVINE knows you, they are aware of exactly what you need right now. When we receive your request for a DIVINE REVELATION, THEY will give us the name of the exact DIVINE RESONANCE HEALING SESSION PROGRAM that you need right now and we will provide that exact information to you via email within about 2 business days (Monday - Friday).